Monday, 30 April 2012

Time as X gen knows it...

More detail to come, adding how these impacting and defined a generation.
This generation had a very interesting set of even that have for sure influenced that generations any many after. Mini skirts, i know what your thinking but it isnt just some clothing, it represents more independance and separation from the previous generation. This may have come from the music scene like 'My Generation'  by The Who. mini skirts are that generations early symbol of going against the traditional English ethic.

For many men and women a like believe still to this day that winning the world cup was a the good old days. Placing this into a marketing scene, many marketing campaigns have seen the world cup against Germany been glorified. Below is an Actimel advert that is a perfect advert, targeting this Generation. The reason the advert is so effective because it provokes partial stimuli, emotions from the time England won the world cup.   by representing the values of football in scercity  Bobby Charlton:

Friday, 27 April 2012


X Generation was the new generation that changed everything Briton saw as workforce. 'Half of them would willingly work more hours if flexibly was offered' this could be because lifestyle was changing compared to their parents. 'This was seen more from professional sector' this Gen was seen to be the first to keep Independence to follow their profession, not to secure relationship and provide for the family.

Gen x has reacted to against the 'face time' culture of working your time and extra, it was seen by Veterans and Baby boomers that they have to work extra hours to get promotions and pay rises, the committed employees will work extra hours. But this isn't seen with Gen X because of the want for a balance of work/life.

Gen X feel better working in a team with seven in ten feel part of a team and half state that they feel their opinions and idea at work. This also goes hand in hand with the feeling of job opportunities with their current employer.

Key points

  • More knowledge around other parts of the organisation.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Customer service skills, especially in the service sector.
  • Project management skills in the TMT sector.
  • Help with career management (in the public sector)
Compared to other Gens, Gen x will prefer pay based on performance not the set hours of work. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Defining Generation x

Generation X for the UK started around 1964. Generation X felt they had inherited many problems and were described in popular media as people who “sleep together before they are married, don’t believe in God, dislike the Queen and don’t respect their parents.” Early years would have experienced strikes and the Winter of Discontent. Later formative years in the workplace,college and university would have been driven by the Thatcher years of commercialism. In the workplace the recession and housing crash around 1990 also had a major effect on Baby Boomers in middle management positions and Gen X who was entering the workforce.

Current age: Members of the workforce who were born between 1964 and 1978 and are approximately between 48 and 34 years old.

Size: They account for around 32% of the workforce.

Formative years: These ‘Thatcher’s children’ were exposed to news about corporate scandals, both their parents were working full time, and found a growing demand for educational achievement and performance.

Joined the workforce when: There was economic turmoil. Many graduated into the worst job market since the Great Depression. Exposed to large scale redundancies and cut of long term benefits therefore they are used to uncertainty.

Retention: Half have spent at least five years with their current employer.

View of career: Most are experienced as service and knowledge workers. Focus more on their ‘professional ladder’ of employability rather than the ‘corporate ladder’.

(Updated) - WARC report
Generation X is sometimes characterized as the forgotten generation. Xers learned early that self-reliance, skepticism and pragmatism are necessary ingredients for achieving success.
More than 25 years of Yankelovich MONITOR research on Generation X shows that Xers are characterized by three core values:
  • Savvy: Xer savvy is a combination of critical judgment, knowledge and wariness.
  • Diversity: During their formative years, Xers were the first to represent meaningful ethnic diversity, household diversity (they were the first “children of divorce”) and lifestyle diversity.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset: Xers are driven by a need to forge a future on their own terms. They feel that they can't rely on anyone or anything. They develop their own talents, use their own judgment and succeed in their own way.
"Generation X grew up in the 'me generation' of the 1980s, and now they are able to see that it is not all it is cracked up to be," said Jackie Shelton, 31, vice president of Minor Advertising in Reno.

Generation X
Born: 1966-1976
Coming of Age: 1988-1994
Age in 2004: 28 to 38
Current Population: 41 million

Sometimes referred to as the “lost” generation, this was the first generation of “latchkey” kids, exposed to lots of daycare and divorce. Known as the generation with the lowest voting participation rate of any generation, Gen Xers were quoted by Newsweek as “the generation that dropped out without ever turning on the news or tuning in to the social issues around them.”

Gen X is often characterized by high levels of skepticism, “what’s in it for me” attitudes and a reputation for some of the worst music to ever gain popularity. Now, moving into adulthood William Morrow (Generations) cited the childhood divorce of many Gen Xers as “one of the most decisive experiences influencing how Gen Xers will shape their own families”.

Gen Xers are arguably the best educated generation with 29% obtaining a bachelor’s degree or higher (6% higher than the previous cohort). And, with that education and a growing maturity they are starting to form families with a higher level of caution and pragmatism than their parents demonstrated. Concerns run high over avoiding broken homes, kids growing up without a parent around and financial planning.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

In the beginning...

Well, A blog.. many uses for a blog, the type of use's I have come into contact with is trying to find out how to fix my Windows xp when it blue screen for the third time. Always fun. But also other Blogs like 'TravellingTweed' a Blog that was used by an old school teacher telling her adventures down under. 

But now my blog, my blog to explain the characteristics that defined a genration. Through its Ups (80's music) and its Downs (Diana's death). This will be another playing ground, maybe more thought next time into the choice of generation. First thought x-Generation X-men, sounds cool. But when further looking into the chosen Gen, I realised I may be onto a win, this is the Generation I will need to impress, understand when going for a job interview, or kissing an ass to get a pay rise or promotion.

Right, do the the best way for me to get my head around Generation X, is to explore what happend, what where the key 'Game changes' in shaping ideologies of figures, politics, ways of life and everything in-between.

My next post will be a timeline kind of Infograph of what happened.