Monday 30 April 2012

Time as X gen knows it...

More detail to come, adding how these impacting and defined a generation.
This generation had a very interesting set of even that have for sure influenced that generations any many after. Mini skirts, i know what your thinking but it isnt just some clothing, it represents more independance and separation from the previous generation. This may have come from the music scene like 'My Generation'  by The Who. mini skirts are that generations early symbol of going against the traditional English ethic.

For many men and women a like believe still to this day that winning the world cup was a the good old days. Placing this into a marketing scene, many marketing campaigns have seen the world cup against Germany been glorified. Below is an Actimel advert that is a perfect advert, targeting this Generation. The reason the advert is so effective because it provokes partial stimuli, emotions from the time England won the world cup.   by representing the values of football in scercity  Bobby Charlton:

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