Thursday 19 April 2012

In the beginning...

Well, A blog.. many uses for a blog, the type of use's I have come into contact with is trying to find out how to fix my Windows xp when it blue screen for the third time. Always fun. But also other Blogs like 'TravellingTweed' a Blog that was used by an old school teacher telling her adventures down under. 

But now my blog, my blog to explain the characteristics that defined a genration. Through its Ups (80's music) and its Downs (Diana's death). This will be another playing ground, maybe more thought next time into the choice of generation. First thought x-Generation X-men, sounds cool. But when further looking into the chosen Gen, I realised I may be onto a win, this is the Generation I will need to impress, understand when going for a job interview, or kissing an ass to get a pay rise or promotion.

Right, do the the best way for me to get my head around Generation X, is to explore what happend, what where the key 'Game changes' in shaping ideologies of figures, politics, ways of life and everything in-between.

My next post will be a timeline kind of Infograph of what happened.

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